5 Steps to Install Ipmitool on Windows

Step 1: Install Cygwin onto your windows system. Please refer to this article(8 Steps to install Cygwin on Windows)for details.

Step 2: Download the ipmitool source code from ipmitool.

Step 3: Unzip ipmitool-1.8.12.tar.gz.

Note: Using “tar -cvzf ipmitool-1.8.12” command to compress it.
Using “tar -xvzf ipmitool-1.8.12.tar.gz” command to uncompress it.

Step 4: Configure and build ipmitool.

cd ipmitool-1.8.12
./configure --enable-intf-lanplus

Note: When I type make in the cygwin, it says no make command. Please refer to this article(How to install additional package after install Cygwin) for details.

Step 5: Packaging IPMI binary and related dlls into a file.
mkdir ipmitool
cp ipmitool-1.8.12/src/.libs/ipmitool.exe ipmitool/
cp /bin/cygwin1.dll ipmitool/
cp /bin/ cygcrypto-1.0.0.dll ipmitool/
cp /bin/cygz.dll ipmitool/
cp /bin/cyggcc_s-1.dll ipmitool/

Now, You can use ipmitool.exe with the command ” ipmitool.exe -I lan -U username -P password -H host IP”

Have fun, you can take a comment if you guys have any questions.


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