8 Steps to install Cygwin on Windows

Installation Notes:

  1. Download setup.exe from Cygwin according your Windows system.
  2. Click and run setup-x86 64.exe.
  3. Select “Install from internet“, and next.
  4. Input your root directory and Install for All users, and next.
  5. Input your Local Package Directory. and next.
  6. Select Direct Connection. and next.(I select Use System Proxy Setting). I think they are both OK.
  7. From Mirror sites select a useful site. and input it to User URL, then add it. and next. (I used “ftp://cygwin.mirrors.pair.com“, It was useful)
  8. Select the packages you want to install and click next. Because I want to install ipmitool, so I need to install gcc and crypto package. (Except default package, Please select gcc-g++ and crypto-policies and make (In Devel) packages in additional to download, If the download fails, choose to try again).
  9. Complete the installation.

Setup Notes:

  1. Open the control pannel-> System and security-> system->Advanced System setting.
  2. Click Advanced System setting. Select Environment Variables.
  3. Under User Variables. Add a new user variable.
    1. Variable name: HOME.
    2. Variable value: Path to where you want your home directory.
  4. Under System variables. Add cygwin bin file to PATH.
    1. Variable name: PATH.
    2. Append “; C:\cygwin\bin” to PATH variable. (semicolon is very important)

Have fun.


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